Brow Lift - Before and After Pictures, Info & Prices (2024)

What is a Brow Lift Treatment?

Brow Lift is a non-surgical, aesthetic procedure that uses Threads to rejuvenate the forehead area, allowing your eyes to open wider and also remove frown lines. They can even make your eyebrows level.

Forehead wrinkles, heavy hooded eyes can make you look tired, stressed or older than your years. A Brow Lift help combat these signs of ageing, reducing wrinkles – giving you more youthful, healthier-looking skin above your eyes.

Why Get a Brow Lift?

Sagging Brow and frown lines? Uneven eyebrows? Fed up and frustrated with always looking tired no matter how much you sleep? A brow lift could be the answer!

Aging (loss of natural skin elasticity) combined with gravity typically causes the brows to move down. As skin and soft tissues lose their elasticity, the distance between your eye brows and eyelashes reduce.

The position of the eyebrows can make you look tired, angry or even sad. A brow lift can raise the eyebrows and restore a refreshed, more pleasing appearance.

You might consider a brow lift if you have a low or sagging brow that’s contributing to sagging of your upper eyelids.

Although this reduction in collagen and elastin happens all over the body, there are certain areas that it can be more apparent in – such as around your forehead.

How Does It Work?

Brow Lifts will give you a fresher, more youthful appearance by tightening the area around your forehead.

During a brow lift treatment, your aesthetic doctor will place threads in to the problem area using a very fine needle or a cannula or using muscle relaxing injections.

With a Brow Lift, there’s no cutting or slicing. Instead, your aesthetic doctor uses a small needle to weave a fine, medical-grade thread through the skin, before using it to pull the skin taut. Reducing sagging skin or wrinkles and giving you a smoother, more youthful appearance

The treatment is very quick, taking between 15-30 mins and the results are usually visible instantly.

Brow Lift - Before and After Pictures, Info & Prices (1)

Does It Hurt?

While asurgical faceliftis an invasive and painful procedure, a Brow Lift is a much more comfortable experience.

At the beginning of the procedure, your aesthetic doctor will apply a local anaesthetic cream, or may inject a local anaesthetic to the area that is going to be treated. This cream or injection numbs your skin, blocking the pain signals and making your treatment pain-free.

Most people say that it’s a similar experience to dental treatment with an anaesthetic – you can feel the procedure but experience no pain.

Brow Lift – Before And After

How do you know what results to expect from brow lift? Before and after pictures are a great place to start.

Brow Lift - Before and After Pictures, Info & Prices (2)

With a brow lift, before and after photos can help you to see what the treatment can offer you and give you an understanding of realistic results.

When you’re choosing a clinic or aesthetician to complete your brow lift, before and after pictures should play a part in your decision-making process.

It’s important that you make sure to check that the before and after photos the aesthetician shows you really are of their own work – there are some very talented, honest and ethical aestheticians out there – and some not so great ones who are willing to pass off other people’s work as their own too!

How Much Does A Brow Lift Cost?

If you’re considering a brow lift as a way to get rid of those hooded eyes or forehead wrinkles and give yourself a fresher, more youthful look then you probably want to know how much they cost?

Cosmetic surgery is often expensive, but non-surgical aesthetic alternatives are usually much more affordable!

Brow Lifts are no exception. When completed by a professional, qualified and experienced aesthetician, your brow lift treatment should only cost somewhere between £325-375.

You only need one single treatment and the results should last you between 6-12 months, making them not only safe and effective – but very affordable too.

Are They Safe?

Like other similar treatments, there are some small risks involved with this treatment – but when performed by a professional and qualified doctor brow lifts are usually a safe, minimally-invasive treatment.

You might notice some minor, localised swelling immediately after the treatment but this usually resolves within 24-48 hours, leaving you with smoother forehead, wider eyes and a more youthful-looking appearance.

It’s always important to choose a reputable clinic or aesthetician, no matter what kind of thread treatment you’re having – but even more so with a brow lift!

Because the skin under the eyes is so thin and delicate it’s essential that the doctor that’s treating you is professionally trained and knowledgeable if you want to get good results.

Will it Cause Hair Loss?

The simple and straightforward answer is no, a brow lift does not cause hair loss. The treatment will reduce the size of your forehead, and therefore will make the distance between your eyebrows and hairline shorter. This will give the appearance of having more hair.

Is it Permanent?

A brow lift using threads will last between 12 to 18 months. The results are not permanent, but a great way to reduce the forehead size and open up hooded eyes.

Does it Change Eye Shape?

There are options to lift and change your eye shape using threads. However, we would recommend caution when considering this treatment as the results need can look unnatural if done by an inexperienced doctor.

What To Look For When Choosing a Clinic or Doctor

Unfortunately, the aesthetic industry is not nearly regulated enough. Clinics are required to be registered with the CQC if they wish to offer thread treatments. The doctor must be trained, qualified or insured to perform this type of treatment, however, there are clinics offering threads with the reassurance of CQC registration! Because of this it’s very important that you research and choose a doctor that you know to be qualified, skilled and safe.

So what should you look for in a clinic or doctor?

  • They Should Be Professionally Qualified – A professional aesthetic doctor will have undertaken training and gained qualifications for any treatments they offer. They’ll be happy to show you their certificates. Certificates should ideally be GMC accredited and your aesthetician CQC Registered.
  • They Should Be Experienced – Skill comes with experience and practice, so ideally if you want the best results, then you should choose an doctor who has been in business for several years.
  • They Should Be Insured – Professional aesthetic doctors understand the importance of insurance – to keep both you and their business safe. A reputable clinic will be happy to show you their insurance certificates – be VERY wary of anyone practising without insurance as it could mean the insurers won’t cover them!
  • They Should Offer Comprehensive Consultations – Before you undergo any treatment a good aesthetician will do a full consultation with you. During this consultation they’ll ask you what you’re looking to achieve, discuss the treatment options and tell you the full cost for your brow lift.
  • Must be registered with CQC – Elite Aesthetics registration can be found here:

Here at Elite Aesthetics, we pride ourselves on our professional, honest and safe approach to aesthetic treatments.

Founded by Dr Shirin Lakhani, an Aesthetic Doctor with over 20 years of experience, our clinic is proud of our sterling reputation and the excellent results we provide to our clients.

So if you’re looking for an honest, knowledgeable and professional clinic to help you get a firmer, fresher and more youthful appearance then get in touch.

Brow Lift - Before and After Pictures, Info & Prices (2024)


How much does eyebrow lift cost? ›

The average cost of a brow lift is $3,900, according to the most recent statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. This average cost is only part of the total price – it does not include anesthesia, operating room facilities or other related expenses.

What is the best brow lift procedure? ›

Endoscopic Brow Lift

This type of brow lift has become the procedure of choice for most surgeons as it only requires small, less invasive incisions. During an endoscopic brow lift a small endoscope is used, often attached to a camera, to enable the surgeon to view and dissect the tissue of the forehead.

What is the best age to get a brow lift? ›

Ideal Age. Most of our brow lift candidates are between the ages of 40 and 65. But the procedure may be performed on younger patients who may have a genetic disposition to a heavy brow or deep “worry lines” between the brows.

Is a brow lift worth the money? ›

Patient satisfaction with brow lifts is high. A study published in JAMA Plastic Surgery reported that 93% of patients were happy with the results of their endoscopic brow lift, and 96% said they would recommend the procedure.

Can a brow lift fix hooded eyes? ›

Can a brow lift fix hooded eyes? Yes, a brow lift can fix hooded eyes, but only if they're the result of droopy eyebrows. Brow Lift surgery can lift sagging eyebrows that droop over the upper eyelids. By doing so, this procedure lifts some of the heaviness off of the eyelids and makes them look wider.

How painful is a brow lift? ›

Is a brow lift painful? You won't experience pain during a brow lift procedure because your surgeon will use an anesthetic. After your procedure, you could experience bruising, skin tightness and swelling. Your surgical site may be tender or sore as you heal.

Which is better blepharoplasty or brow lift? ›

A blepharoplasty is recommended for patients that specifically want to address sagging, heavy eyelids and a brow lift is recommended for patients with lower or sagging brows. If the drooping of the eyelid goes away when your brows are raised, then a brow lift may be the procedure you are looking for.

What is the least invasive brow lift? ›

Temporal Lift.

This is a minimally invasive procedure that your facial cosmetic surgeon can perform under local anesthesia in the office. It is essentially a scaled-back version of the minimally invasive endoscopic brow lift and can produce excellent results with minimal downtime.

What is the most common type of brow lift? ›

One of the most common methods is the endoscopic brow lift, or keyhole brow-lift, which hides between three and five small incisions on the scalp, behind the hairline. A surgical telescope (endoscope) is then passed through these and is used to visualise the areas requiring lifting, via a small camera.

Is 72 too old for a brow lift? ›

As with any type of cosmetic surgery, the patient's overall health and ability to heal must be taken into consideration. However, if a more mature patient is still in good health and able to go under general anesthesia, then there is no reason why this procedure can't be performed safely.

Do they shave your head for a brow lift? ›

The classic forehead lift

Before the operation begins, your hair will be tied with rubber bands on either side of the incision line. Your head will not be shaved, but hair that is growing directly in front of the incision line may need to be trimmed. For most patients, a coronal incision will be used.

Are you awake for a brow lift? ›

A brow lift is an invasive procedure.

During a brow lift, you will receive local anesthesia in order to numb the area. This means that you will be awake during the surgery. As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection, bleeding, and scarring.

Can a brow lift look natural? ›

There is the potential for residual scarring after a brow lift, as is typical with most surgical procedures. However, with Dr. Sepehr's extensive training and experience, he can often hide these incisions along your hairline. This can make the final results of a brow lift look as natural as possible.

Does brow lift change eye shape? ›

A brow lift does not aim to change your eye shape. However, manipulating your brow may change your eye appearance. For example, a brow lift performed to address the brows' outside corners will lift the underlying tissue and skin, which may make it look like the eye shape changes.

Does a brow lift lift your eyelids? ›

While a brow lift can lift your eyebrows and smooth your forehead area, an eyelid lift focuses solely on your eyelids. During an eyelid lift, the surgeon removes excess skin and fat from the lids, making them less droopy and puffy. Eyelid lifts can be performed on your upper lids, lower lids, or both.

Can a brow lift go wrong? ›

A brow lift can cause temporary or permanent numbness on the forehead or top of the scalp. Asymmetry in the position of the brows. A brow lift can result in uneven brows (asymmetry), with one or both eyebrows appearing too high. However, asymmetry may even out during the healing process.

What is a mini brow lift? ›

In the mini brow lift tiny incisions are made to lift the underlying tissues off the forehead bone. The frowning muscles are released and the brow is lifted into the desired position and set into place. The incisions are small, heal quickly and promote a natural look.

How long does it take to recover from a brow lift? ›

Brow lift surgery recovery time

Initial wound healing may take 10 to 14 days. Sutures or clips will be removed when it is appropriate. You should be ready to return to work and normal activity after 10-14 days.

How do you wash your hair after a brow lift? ›

You may gently wash your hair with a mild shampoo, such as baby shampoo, 48 hours after your surgery. Use a conditioner to help remove tangles from the hair. Avoid pulling on the sutures or staples when brushing the hair.

Can you move your eyebrows after a brow lift? ›

The brow lift procedure

The removal and weakening of these muscles will not affect your ability to move your eyebrows or forehead, however. You will still be able to make normal facial expressions, and the result will be natural-looking and not too tight.

What is the difference between a brow lift and a browpexy? ›

A brow lift involves lifting the entire forehead and results in a dynamic forehead with normal movements. Browpexy on the other hand is a procedure that's designed to elevate and stabilize the eyebrow. The procedure is commonly performed in combination with upper lid blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).

What is the best surgery for hooded eyes? ›

Blepharoplasty (BLEF-uh-roe-plas-tee) is a type of surgery that removes excess skin from the eyelids. With age, eyelids stretch, and the muscles supporting them weaken. As a result, excess skin and fat can gather above and below your eyelids.

How do I know if I need a brow lift? ›

There is a simple test that individuals can do to figure out which procedure they probably need. For this test, place your index fingers along your brows and raise them to a more favorable position. If this raises most of the excess skin along the upper eyelid, brow lift surgery may be all that is needed.

What is the most natural looking eyebrow procedure? ›

An eyebrow transplant is the most natural looking eyebrow treatment because it uses your own hairs. Using the FUE technique (which is used for modern hair transplants), hair from the back of your head is transplanted to your eyebrows.

Are there scars with a brow lift? ›

The scars from a browlift usually heal very well and are hidden in the hairline or natural skin creases around the eyelid. Scarring, however, is an unpredictable part of any surgery. It is impossible to cut through the full thickness of the skin and not have a scar.

Is a mini brow lift worth it? ›

The mini-brow lift procedure can be more effective and provide longer-lasting results than treatment with BOTOX® Cosmetic or Dysport®, but it may not deliver the degree of enhancement that can be achieved with a full surgical brow lift.

Where are the stitches for a brow lift? ›

The incision is then closed with stitches, which will be removed in the office. Surgical incisions are placed just above the eyebrow hairs along the outer portion of the brows. The eyebrows are then lifted through these incisions, contoured to the desired shape, and secured into their higher position with sutures.

What is the difference between a forehead lift and an eyebrow lift? ›

The difference lies in the goals of the procedure. A brow lift acts to raise the position of the brow to give a less tired appearance and sometimes improves sagging eyelids. The primary goal of a forehead lift is to smooth the forehead, though eyebrow position may not change dramatically.

What can you not do after a brow lift? ›

Avoid alcohol, aspirin and anti-inflammatories for 48 hours. Heavy lifting, vigorous exercise and sex should be avoided for the first few weeks. The patient should be mobile and take gentle walks in order to aid circulation. Stitches will need to be removed after 1-2 weeks, depending on how well the patient is healing.

How much pain is there after brow lift? ›

Fortunately, the majority of patients who have a brow lift experience very little postoperative pain. The recovery timeframe is 10 to 14 days, but patients can expect comfort to improve significantly within the first week.

How do celebrities lift their eyebrows? ›

An endoscopic brow lift gently lifts the brow tissue through small incisions in the hairline. With this procedure, a small light and camera are used so the surgeon can see how the underlying tissue and muscle are being manipulated.

How long does brow hair lift last? ›

Generally, brow lamination lasts from four to six weeks. Depending on how well you look after your brows, it can last up to eight weeks. After the four to six-week period, it's recommended that you get your brows re-laminated in order to maintain the look over a longer period of time.

How long does a cosmetic brow lift last? ›

For surgical brow lifts, you can expect to enjoy the results of your procedure for 10 to 12 years on average. Of course, some patients will enjoy the results of a surgical lift for a longer period of time. Factors such as your age and skincare routine will determine how long your treatment will ultimately last you.

What is a full brow lift? ›

Overview. A brow lift is a cosmetic procedure to raise the brows. It's also known as a forehead lift or forehead rejuvenation. A brow lift improves the appearance of the forehead, the brow and the area around the eyes. The procedure involves raising the soft tissue and skin of the forehead and brow.

Are you awake during a brow lift? ›

A brow lift is an invasive procedure.

During a brow lift, you will receive local anesthesia in order to numb the area. This means that you will be awake during the surgery.

Do you loose hair with a brow lift? ›

Hair Loss. Because the incisions made during a brow lift are along the hairline, it is possible that you may experience some hair loss after the procedure. This is typically temporary and once the incisions have completely healed, the hair will start to grow back within a few months.

Are there different types of brow lifts? ›

There are several types of brow lift surgery: common techniques include the classic forehead lift, the endoscopic forehead lift and the temporal lift.

What is the best brow lift without surgery? ›

Neurotoxin Brow Lift

Depending on the patient, a Brow Lift can sometimes be achieved without surgery. A Non Surgical Brow Lift can be achieved in the office using either neurotoxins, such as Botox and Dysport, or facial filler such as Restylane and Juvederm.

What is the difference between Browpexy and brow lift? ›

A brow lift involves lifting the entire forehead and results in a dynamic forehead with normal movements. Browpexy on the other hand is a procedure that's designed to elevate and stabilize the eyebrow. The procedure is commonly performed in combination with upper lid blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery).

Do brow lifts look natural? ›

Endoscopic brow lift

Then, using a miniature camera and very thin instruments, he repositions the muscles and lifts the underlying forehead tissue, removing excess tissue as required. The result is a natural-looking, youthful brow.


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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.